
Shopping For Profitec Pro M54 Coffee Grinder Sale


The Profitec M54 is a phenomenal manual burr grinder—it comes with 54mm stainless steel burrs to reduce heat transfer so you won’t lose any flavors or aromas when grinding your coffee beans, and the burrs are great for achieving optimal grind consistency.

One of the first features you’ll notice about this grinder is its small footprint. The Profitec Pro M54 grinder is a space-saver for any home barista who doesn’t have tons of counter space, but also doesn’t want to sacrifice on the quality of their grinder. It’s compact and gets the job done, quickly, quietly and efficiently compared to other grinders in its class.

The adjustment wheel sits just under the hopper, which holds right around half a pound of fresh coffee beans. The ergonomic adjustment wheel is a great addition on Profitec’s part, users can easily adjust the grind size turning clockwise if they need a coarser grind, or counterclockwise for a finer grind size. The M54’s grind adjustment wheel locks into place to set your grind setting for incredibly accurate consistency.

After grinding for a single or double shot, cleaning up excess grounds is a breeze—the grinding chute is specially designed to direct grounds straight into your portafilter, leaving little to no room for inaccurate dosing or a messy counter. To prevent clogging in the grinding chute, Profitec designed a removable spout on the M54 grinder so that home users can easily clean the inside of their grinder and piece things back together, all without an engineering degree.

All in all, our first impressions of Profitec’s M54 Manual Burr Grinder were positive straight out of the box. It’s an impressive and innovative grinder for home baristas looking for a grinder with minimalist design and great performance. The M54’s manual function allows users to dose their desired weight, and the ergonomic adjustment wheel makes it convenient to adjust your grind size whenever you’re feeling for a french press or a traditional espresso.